Halloween Makeup Safety
It's nearing that time of the year when people all over dress up and transform themselves into monsters, goblins, fairies, and more as part of their fall celebrations. However, there are some things you should definitely be aware of before you spackle on the Halloween themed makeup to complete your costume to make sure your holiday adornments don't become your personal horror story. These tips are especially helpful if you are planning to DIY with your Halloween makeup, but so called 'professionals' trying to cut corners can also put you at risk.
- Acrylic Paint Just because it says 'non-toxic,' that doesn't mean its safe to go on your skin! (House paint is even worse by the way!) Acrylic paint for one does not allow the skin to breathe and also contains ingredients such as nickel, which cause skin reactions with prolonged contact in many people. Because it is a plastic and dries stiff, it may also remove the top layers of skin upon removal, particularly for those with sensitive skin or young children.
- Craft Glitter The same glitter you find in Micheal's or Hobby Lobby should not be the same glitter you would find in a professional makeup artist or face painters kit! Craft store glitter is much larger and is cut in a way that gives it very sharp edges. This can injure you if it gets in your eyes or is inhaled through your airways. Cosmetic grade glitter is much smaller and is cut with rounded edges so as to minimize injury in case of contact with sensitive mucus membranes.
- Sharing Makeup Sharing makeup should always be a no! Even with close friends or family. Unless a product dispenses sanitarily, such as with a pump, you could be sharing not only makeup, but also skin cells, germs, and more! Mascara and lip gloss or lip stick are the worse offenders and can cause pink eye, staph, or herpes infections. Professional artists should be removing product from the compact with a sanitized spatula and work from a separate surface to keep you safe.
- Cleaning Brushes Brushes and sponges should be thoroughly shampooed and left to dry between clients, but sometimes this may not always be possible. This is why there are several wonderful brush cleaners on the market that properly disinfect brushes and dry quickly without harmful residue. Alcohol, although it may seem like a great choice for disinfecting brushes, for one does not remove product residue properly, and according to the State Cosmetology Board, is considered an ineffective sanitizer. It also may cause pain or discomfort when used near the eye area if it has not dried fully.